Make Garment Alterations with AI Prompts
Use AI Prompts to make alterations to images.

UI Overview

Top Bar
Right Tab Bar
Choose or Drop File
AI Prompt Panel

Advanced Modal
Upload Image
Create a Mask

Smart Masks
Smart Masks allow you to select and de-select large areas of the image. If “Add Smart Mask” selects areas you do not want to change, you can click on those stray areas using “Exclude Smart Mask”.
Draw Masks
Draw Masks allow you to use your mouse to draw a mask over your image. You can use “Draw Mask” to add a mask and “Remove Mask” to erase areas of the mask.
Write a Prompt
Your prompt can be short and simple! It only needs to include the description of the change you would like to make, including color, material, and description of the design. Hit Apply to begin generating 4 options to choose from.

Save Options
At the top right corner, you can save your image In Current Resolution, In Super Resolution for 4K, and Enhance and Download which doubles the resolution and adds more contrast and shadows. You can also Save to your personal cloud Library in Raspberry.